
Follow our crazy honeymoon road trip, cross-country move, and new married life adventures!

About Us


The Fam

Our brand new little family is still quite small. Just Anthony, Ashley and Sophia the fur-baby. 


Exciting New Things

Anthony took me to my very first horse race at the Santa Anita Race track a couple years ago. I was expecting pretty dresses and fun hats and was super disappointed that we found drunk fat men instead.  To make up for it, we made sure to buy our tickets to the Kentucky Derby on May 4th!! Stay tuned for pics!


Fun Facts

We have been making a list of the unique and delicious foods from each state and are planning our trip around trying all the different things from the different areas.  I didn't realize what foodies we are until we started doing this! Maybe a little embarrassing. 

Our Blog

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Want to know more about upcoming family events? Want to make sure we have your most-recent email address? Want to just share your thoughts? Send a message! Family is important, and everyone's individual voice should be, too!

A & A Lucas